Monday, February 18, 2013

A long but easy day.

I was scheduled to work from 6:30 PM to 2:45 AM yesterday, which I was okay with for the most part because that meant I had most of the day to do what I wanted. I decided to stay at the apartment because I've been sick for the last couple of days and I figured my body needed time to rest.

I set my alarm for 4:35, fifteen minutes before the A bus was supposed to come at 4:49, got ready, and left. I usually plan to leave an hour and a half before my shift starts just for good measure. While I was getting my stuff together I called my sister and I left five minutes before my alarm went off since I was ready.

I waited at the bus stop for about fifteen minutes and when I saw that the A bus had arrived, I got on. Then about ten minutes into the ride, I noticed that the bus wasn't going to Vista; we were closer to Downtown Disney. I then noticed the piece of paper in the window that said "F2." I was on the wrong bus. It turns out the marquee on the outside of the bus said that it was the A bus, but the marquee wasn't working and since I was talking to my sister, I hadn't seen the paper in the window or the fact that the other CP's on the bus weren't wearing Magic Kingdom costumes. I asked a cast member where the bus was going and she said to Downtown Disney, then back to Vista. That meant I would have to waste at least twenty minutes getting back to Vista in hopes that the A or B bus would be there, and then I would have to spend roughly 40 minutes on that bus too.

I called a couple people who had a car and who I knew started their shift around the same time as me to try to get a ride, but they didn't answer. When the bus got to Downtown Disney, I asked the bus driver what I should do. He told me to stay on the bus and go back to Vista, so I did and it wasn't all that bad. The driver and I had a conversation the whole way since it was just us and he was really, really nice. We got back to Vista after twenty minutes and I found out when the next A bus came, then waited for five minutes. At this point I only had an hour to get to work so I was kind of nervous because the bus stops at two resorts and then I have to take the bus from Westclock to the Utilidoors. I like to be to work thirty minutes before my shift too so I wasn't so happy about this. I swear, when you're pressed for time it seems like the bus literally crawls to work. I felt like the bus driver wasn't even trying to drive.

Surprisingly, I arrived at Westclock only thirty minutes later, got on the bus to the Utilidoors, and still had twenty minutes to spare. I went to my locker, then walked the five to ten minutes to where I needed to clock in and felt extremely lucky not to have been late.

I was scheduled to work streets so I was excited about it because I love having that job. But naturally, as soon as a coordinator saw me, he told me I was doing restrooms until 9:00. I wasn't thrilled about this because A.) I hate restrooms, B.) I had done restrooms for my entire shift the day before at TTC, and C.) I was scheduled to do restrooms all day the next day. The nice thing was that it was only for three hours and I had to do Crystal Palace, First Aid, and Baby Care, which aren't busy. It seemed like the time flew by and I was able to be a little more thorough than usual with everything since it wasn't busy. Before that, I was called to go clean up a Code U at Crystal Palace. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a Code U means urine. This was my first Code anything so I went over there and cleaned it up quickly.

Fifteen minutes before my restroom assignment was supposed to end, I took a fifteen minute self-break, then I went to CDS to get a new assignment. It told me I needed to take a 45 minute break and I won't argue with that. But I noticed when I logged in that I had been extended until 3:45 AM, so I wasn't excited about that. It was freezing outside and that meant I wouldn't get home until 4:30 in the morning. After my break I went to get an assignment, which said that I needed to break someone. I got on the radio and told them it was time for their break and they said they would meet me at CDS. The thing is, Wishes had just started and it took the person I was breaking an hour and a half to get back stage because the park was so crowded. I called him on the radio a couple more times throughout the course of that time, but he insisted that he was on his way. I told a coordinator that I had been waiting for a long time and he told me to get a new assignment. When I did, it said I had to break someone else but when he told me where to meet him, I couldn't hear him because his location was so loud and his accent was thick. I asked other cast members around me what they heard him say but after I had him repeat himself a few times, they weren't sure either. I told him to come back to CDS and he told me to come to wherever he was. I decided to go out and look for him but as soon as I got on stage, the parade started and the lights went out, making it too dark to find him. I went back to CDS and told him I was unable to find him, and he came back ten minutes later. I think he was angry with me but I wasn't sure because of his accent again. I'm usually good at deciphering accents but he spoke really fast too, so it was difficult. He told me to pan and broom in his area for the five minutes that were left of his break, so I did.

When I came back, I got an assignment for the Monorail zone, so I went to the AVAC by BDO to get a three liner and I began to do my trash run. After doing only three cans, I got a call for my fifteen minute break, so I went back to CDS and took it. I then went back to Monorail and did my trash run, which was really easy. After that, I went back to my zone to sweep up a little, then called a coordinator to tell him I had closed my zone. By this time it was around 1:00 and the park was dead because of the cold temperature. My coordinator told me to assist another cast member at BDO but when I called him on the radio, he told me he didn't need my help anymore. I went back to CDS and talked to my co-workers while I waited for an early release.(ER) My manager gave mostly everyone an ER at 2:45 and I managed to get a ride home with a co-worker, which I was so grateful for because it was freezing and I didn't want to wait for the bus. We clocked out and got on the bus to Westclock, then walked to the parking lot, where we saw this.

That's frost. I hadn't anticipated this kind of weather when I came down here.

We left the parking lot at around 3:00, went home, and I promptly took a shower to warm up. After I finished my shower at 3:45, which I was very hesitant to get out of, I called my sister and made some food since I was starving. I got into bed at 4:45 and I had the hardest time falling asleep because I was still really cold and my mind was restless. For about a week and a half now, almost all of my dreams have been about work. I'll dream that I'm at work doing a trash run or cleaning the restrooms for the duration of the night and when I wake up, mostly still asleep and fatigued, I'll think that I have to get back to work but then I realize that I was just dreaming. My nights haven't been very restful.

It's 10:00 now and I've been up for an hour, which means that I got around five hours of sleep. I was supposed to work 3:45 to 12:30 tonight but I just looked at my schedule on the HUB and I've been extended an hour and a half. I also have to go to costuming to get new costumes today so I have to leave in a couple hours. It's going to be a long day. It's supposed to be cold again tonight and I feel sicker. There's a silver lining though; I have two days off after today. Knowing me, though, I'll be in the parks for those two days.

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