Yesterday I decided that it was better to go to work and try to see what I could do rather than staying home the whole day. I worked from 6:00 PM to 3:00 AM and earlier that day, I still wasn't entirely sure if I could handle the work load that I would have so I did laundry just to see how I felt after lifting something heavy. As the day progressed I wasn't feeling really great but I had already decided I wasn't staying home, so around 4:30 I got ready for work.
I was planning on going to costuming before my shift to get clean costumes so I put the used ones in my laundry bag along with my lunchbox because I didn't want to have to carry that separately. I put a few saltine crackers and a bottle of Gatorade into the lunch box and I was ready to go. But as I was walking down the stairs to my apartment I felt something wet and I could smell Gatorade, so I put my laundry bag down and it turns out the Gatorade had leaked in my lunchbox and out on my costumes and laundry bag. It wasn't too bad but I had to rush back into the apartment to change my costume shirt. I was wearing jeans so you couldn't tell there was anything on them and they were mostly unaffected.
I got on the bus an hour and a half before my shift started, took care of everything at costuming, and waited to clock in. I told my coordinator and my manager that I wasn't feeling too well and that I may need to come backstage to sit down a few times and they said it was fine as long as I told them first. I ended up pushing through the fatigue though and I never went backstage to sit down except for my scheduled breaks.
When I logged in to CDS, the first assignment I got was Casey's Trasher. If you remember, that's the busiest and fastest paced job on Main Street. Fortunately I was just breaking someone for fifteen minutes so I wasn't there for too long. I just took my time while trying to keep up as best as I could. I was feeling pretty good around that time anyway.
I went back to CDS after fifteen minutes and my next assignment was Main Street Northeast. When you have that zone, you have to bag all of the trash cans on either side of Main Street and the problem was the Electrical Parade was about to start. Since I knew I wouldn't be able to finish by myself in time, I had another cast member help me and we got done right before the parade started. I then went on lunch and called my sister, Heather. She and her husband are planning on coming down in April for their anniversary and she's trying to convince my sister, Becca to come too. I really hope she does because I've been missing her a lot lately.
After my break I was still assigned to MS Northeast but I went downstairs to my locker to get my jacket because it was getting cold outside. When I got back, I got a call on the radio to come get a new assignment because my position had been dropped and when I did, my assignment was to take over the position of Casey's Trasher. Just my luck. By that point I wasn't feeling very well either; my stomach was hurting really badly and I felt lightheaded but I didn't complain about it.
Since it was around 10:00, Casey's wasn't too busy so I was able to take my time doing the trash. At around 11:45 I called my manager to see if there was a chance I could get an ER because I really wasn't feeling good and she told me we would probably get it around 1:30. I decided I could make it until then so I closed Casey's Corner and went back to get a new assignment. I got Main Street South and since it was so late, there wasn't really any trash to be emptied. I emptied one trash can inside of the Emporium, wiped down the cans, and swept around to kill time. At around 1:00 I went back to CDS because there was nothing else for me to do and I waited for my manager to come back to give me an ER. There were a lot of cast members waiting with me since everyone was done and once the manager came, we all got ER's for 1:30. I clocked out, went to my locker, and left as fast as I could. It was nice that I didn't have to wait too long for the CP bus either. I got home after 2:00, took a quick shower, and got into bed around 2:40. Overall it wasn't too bad of a day and I'm glad I decided to go to work.
I have a shift in Tomorrowland today from 5:45 to 12:00 and I'm interested to see how that goes.
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